By Kathy Sonnenfelt
[email protected] Leslie Yule, Quartermaster for VFW Post #4996 gave the welcome Friday, November 10 at the Veteran’s Day Program held in the Bloomfield Community School auditorium. Posting of the colors by the VFW and American Legion, and Auxiliaries was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mrs. Hauger’s sixth grade class. Bloomfield’s high school band performed the “Star Spangled Banner”. Invocation was given by Pastor Jacob Bobby of First Trinity Lutheran Church, as well as the Benediction at the end of the program. Kindergarten through sixth grade presented “American Voices” and the Bloomfield High School Choir, directed by Sheila Lange, sang “A Tribute to the Armed Services”. Lou Ann Jessen of the VFW Auxiliary announced the Voice of Democracy winners. Reese McFarland received 1st, Colton Gieselman, second, and Dade Davis, third. McFarland read his Voice of Democracy Speech for all who were present at the program. Recognition was given to the Veterans who served our country by Leslie Yule. As he read each Veterans name they were to stand for recognition, and a carnation was presented to them. “Amber Waves of Grain” followed by the Bloomfield high school band. Terri Mlady, who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom gave a speech on what serving for her country meant to her. Mlady began by saying, “I wouldn’t be standing here today if it wasn’t for all of you.” She also said she felt a calling to serve coming from a family of service men. “I was told once not to complain about the little things like your shoes, because there are people who have no feet,” said Mlady. She went on to say, “It is up to us to choose how to use the Freedom we have been given, by those who have sacrificed their time or life for us.” Mlady comes from a long line of service men including her father, Jim Wilbeck and grandfathers, Willis Wilbeck, Gerald Gunderson, James Kleffner and Gordon Larsen. Her father-in-law Duane Mlady an American Legion member also served. The benediction, taps and the retirement of colors followed. |