Farmers and Merchants State Bank in Bloomfield donated $40,000 to the Veterans Memorial on Monday.
This brings the total donations closer to the goal Joe Skrivan set for the memorial. "It will take $200,000 to do everything we have planned for the memorial," said Skrivan. An additional $20,000 will be raised for future etching of names and other upkeep. Skrivan has planned every detail. According to him, Farmers and Merchants State Bank's generous donation has helped enormously and brought the total close to $200,000. Skrivan is hopeful after one more big push the final goal of $220,000 will be reached. Names are still being accepted for the memorial as well. Skrivan hopes to order stones after the first of the year. "We want to make every effort to get the names of as many veterans as we can," he said. Skrivan can be reached at 402-373-2330 or [email protected] if relatives of veterans would like to relay names. Names and donations can be sent to P.O. Box 367 Bloomfield, NE 68718. Checks can be made out to the City of Bloomfield and "Veterans Memorial" should be written in the memo. Every dollar counts, and it is all appreciated," Skrivan said. |